
80+ FREE Arabic Curriculum Resources for Homeschooling - Ihsaan Home Academy

Learning Arabic is not a requirement, but it's a very useful language to learn if you're Muslim. Although there are translated books of the Qur'an, hadith books, and other books of knowledge, we should all know that translation never does complete justice to languages in general. When it comes to the Qur'an, it gets even trickier. The meaning of the Qur'an can for sure be translated, but it's impossible to translate the Qur'an along with all that comes with it (i.e. the deep meanings, the choice of words, the patterns, the rhyming, and more). There are Tafseer books (explanation of the Qur'an) that we use (translated or in Arabic) to help us understand the Qur'an as it should be understood. But, it's also important to directly understand it while listening, without always opening books.

Experiment with word-for-word Qur'an learning
Listening to the Qur'an should be a daily happening for every Muslim. It helps us boost our eemaan (faith) and hopefully gets us closer to Allah. It becomes sweeter when one understands while listening. Try this by learning the meaning (word by word) of a short Surah, then read the Tafseer to have a complete understanding of the Surah. After mastering it, listen to that Surah without translation or recite it in your daily Salah. You'd be amazed at how much focused you could get. I tried this with some Suwar (Surahs) and felt a level of sweetness I had never felt before. Doing this may encourage you to learn Arabic (Fus-ha; Arabic of the Qur'an). It may take you much longer to learn the whole Qur'an word by word. The easiest and shorter cut may just be to learn the language.

Understanding the Qur'an for both Arabic speakers and non-Arabic speakers
Of course, the above experiment isn't only limited to non-Arabic speakers; I'm speaking to Muslims in general. Understanding the language along with the Tafseer should always come together. One who speaks Arabic should read the Tafseer, and the one who doesn't speak Arabic should try to learn it and read the Tafseer as well in shaa Allah. If you've tried or decide to try the above 'experiment,' please let me know how it went.

Choosing Fus-ha over simple Arabic dialects
You probably know that there are many dialects and versions of Arabic. When learning Arabic for the Qur'an, try learning Fus-ha Arabic. It is a more classical, rich, and original version of Arabic. If you learn Fus-ha, understanding the Qur'an should be easier in shaa Allah.

Exposing children to Arabic while their brains are still fresh
Please, don't wait till your children are grown to introduce Arabic to them. It's easier to learn a language when the brain is young and fresh. Do them a favor and expose them to the language while they are young. You'd be amazed at how much they could absorb. Also, don't make it as basic as knowing few names of animals and food items as it's usually done in most Islamic schools and homeschools. There are more than enough FREE resources online to help you help your children learn Arabic fluently. They could also practice with each other, watch Islamic Arabic cartoons sometimes, and/or listen to Arabic audios to help them master the language. Now, let's get into the list of free Arabic curriculum resources that you could use for yourself and/or for your homeschooled children in shaa Allah.

Note: Download the files you find useful as soon as possible because they may not be available all the time. Sometimes, file locations change if edited, so the links also change.

Pre-K - Kindergarten
Arabic Alphabet Cards
Reading and Writing Skills
Shapes Flashcards
Fruits Flashcards
Colours Flashcards
Numbers Flashcards
Nature Flashcards
Animals Flashcards 1 
Animals Flashcards 2
Body Parts Flashcards
Adjectives Flashcards
Colouring Book 

Grade 1
Grade Book 1 p1
Grade Book 1 p2

Wordsearch 1
Wordsearch 2
Wordsearch 3
Wordsearch 4
Arabic Crossword 1
Crossword 2
Crossword 3
First Thousand Words in Arabic (can be used for any grade level)

Grade 2
Grade Book 2 p1
Grade Book 2 p2

Grade 3
Grade Book 3 p1
Grade Book 3 p2

Grade 4
Grade Book 4 p1
Grade Book 4 p2

Grade 5
Grade Book 5 p1
Grade Book 5 p2

Grade 6
Grade Book 6 p1
Grade Book 6 p2

Grade 7
Grade Book 7 p1
Grade Book 7 p2

Grade 8
Grade Book 8 p1
Grade Book 8 p2

Grade 9
Grade Book 9 p1
Grade Book 9 p2

Grade 10
Grade Book 10

Other Resources
(Storybooks, information, useful websites, etc)
Al Mawrid (PDF. Arabic to English Dictionary)
Hens Wehr (PDF Dictionary)
Al Arabia Bayna Ya Dayk 1
Al Arabia Bayna Ya Dayk 2
Al Arabia Bayna Ya Dayk 3
Al Arabia Bayna Ya Dayk (Audio in a Masjid)
Audio Arabic Teaching (Al Arabia Bayna Ya Dayk)
Madinah Arabic Book 1
Madinah Arabic Book 2
Madinah Arabic Book 3
Madinah Arabic English Key 1
Madinah Arabic English Key 2
Madinah Arabic English Key 3
Madinah Arabic Solution Key 1
Madinah Arabic Solution Key 2
Madinah Arabic Solution Key 3 
Madinah Arabic Book 1 on Memrise
Arabic Through the Qur'an
80% Qur'an Words PDF
80% Qur'anic Arabic
Madinah Arabic Website
Omar and Mariam 
Children's Library 
School Arabia 
Arabic to English Glossaries 
Arabic Story Books Grade/Set 1
Arabic Story Books Grade/Set 2
Arabic Story Books Grade/Set 3
Arabic Story Books Grade/Set 4
Arabic Story Books Series 1-7 PDF
Arabic Story Books Series 8-14 PDF
Arabic Story Books Series 15-21 PDF
Arabic Story Books Series 22-28 PDF
Arabic Story Books Series 29-38 PDF
7 Short Arabic Stories
Arabic Story Books Audio
First Thousand Words in Arabic 
More Arabic Books (Learning books and story books)
Digital Teaching Aid 
Arabic Videos with Zakaria
Kids Arabic Nasheeds/Nursery Rhymes (please, do NOT over-do this!)

Games, Books & Activities 
Little Maysoor (books, toys, Arabic lessons for kids)
Omar and Mariam 
Islamweb (for kids)

There ya have it; more than eighty resources to learn Arabic. Now it's only a matter of willingness, discipline, and action. If you thought that the only or easiest way to learn a language was to just live in a country where the language is spoken (as I thought), it's time to change that mentality. Thinking like that only puts obstacles on your journey. Do it at least for your children who have fresh brains ready to observe new information. Imagine your children not always needing translation every time they listen to the Qur'an. Right; you get the point. May Allah make it beneficial for us all.

Umm Sumayyah is a mother of two and a former teacher who turned into a home educator after becoming a mother. She is also an editor and a researcher who loves collecting and sharing information on social matters, education, career, and entrepreneurship.

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  1. جزاك الله خيرا

  2. may allah reward you

    1. Ameen and you too. Jazak Allahu khayr for stopping by.

  3. جزاكم الله عنا خيرا كثيرا. اللهم بارك لكم

  4. thank you very much its very helpful website

  5. Thank you so much for these resources. I have been searching for something similar for so long so I can start teaching my young siblings islam and arabic (my parents both work long hours to make ends meet and so I volunteered to shoulder a portion of this responsibility). May Allah reward you extensively for your efforts.

    1. Ameen. I really appreciate it. BarakAllahu feek. May Allah make it all benefit you and your siblings:)

  6. جزاكم الله خيراً

  7. Anonymous10/19/2020

    May Allah reward you all! This is truly amazing.You will be all in my prayer until the last day of my life. I can not thank you enough for this amazing job.

    1. Ameen. Jazak Allahu khayr. I appreciate it.
