
34+ FREE Islamic Studies Curriculum Resources for Homeschooling - Ihsaan Home Academy

I've said this before and I'll say it again. You CAN homeschool completely FREE because there are countless resources out there. Of course, you can always buy more curriculums to supplement. If you have a curriculum that you prefer to buy, great. But if you're totally undecided, I wouldn't advise you to start buying. Many homeschoolers find themselves wasting money and multiple curriculums that they end up not using. Textbooks can be very expensive, so slow down and be 100% sure before buying full curriculum boxes. I previous shared 70 free Science and 39 free Social Studies resources, now I would like to share 37 free Islamic Studies resources with you. 
Note: Please make your own research before using or teaching the information from any of these resources.  

1st Grade (Grade 1)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
164 pages

My Faith Islam (by Mawlana Feizel Clothia and Mu'allimah Neema Desai)
310 pages

2nd Grade (Grade 2)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
149 pages

My Faith Islam (by Mawlana Feizel Clothia and Mu'allimah Neema Desai)
396 pages

3rd Grade (Grade 3)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
122 pages

My Faith Islam (by Mawlana Feizel Clothia and Mu'allimah Neema Desai)
460 pages

4th Grade (Grade 4)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
190 pages

My Faith Islam (by Mawlana Feizel Clothia and Mu'allimah Neema Desai)
516 pages

5th Grade (Grade 5)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
168 pages

My Faith Islam (by Mawlana Feizel Clothia and Mu'allimah Neema Desai)
575 pages

6th Grade (Grade 6)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
250 pages

7th Grade (Grade 7)
Islamic Education (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
249 pages
8th Grade (Grade 8)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
342 pages

9th Grade (Grade 9)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
228 pages

10th Grade (Grade 10)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
252 pages

11th Grade (Grade 11)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
266 pages

12th Grade (Grade 12)
Islamic Studies (by Maulvi Abdul Aziz, Darussalam Publication)
242 pages
Other Resources (Storybooks, information books, audio books, etc)
*Goodword Islamic Studies Textbooks* (Grades 1-10; FREE PDF)
My Islamic Village Stories (1-6; FREE PDF)
Qur'an Stories (FREE PDF)
My Qur'an Stories for Little Hearts (FREE PDF)
Stories of Prophets & Companions
Story of Prophet Adam (a.s.) PDF
Story of Prophet Nuh (a.s.) PDF 
Story of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) PDF
Story of Prophet Musa (a.s.) PDF
Story of Prophet Eesa (a.s.) PDF
Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah PDF
Day in the Life of a Muslim Child PDF
Khattab Bin Al-Aratt PDF
Lots of Worksheet Islamic Printables
Juz 'Amma Workbook

Games and Activities
Islamic Playground 

Non-Free Resources 
Safar Publication

If you're homeschooling now or plan on doing so, don't wait till the last minute to start gathering up resources. It's never too early to make research or make a collection of useful resources you may use in the future in shaa Allah. I hope this list will be useful to you.

Umm Sumayyah is a mother of two and a former teacher who turned into a home educator after becoming a mother. She is also an editor and a researcher who loves collecting and sharing information on social matters, education, career, and entrepreneurship.


  1. Assalam Alaykum,

    Is it possible to get the famous tasheel series of Soutn Africa online.

    1. Wa alaikum salaam warahmatullah wabarakatuh.
      I've never heard of those books. Sorry. I'll do some research in shaa Allah.

    2. I did some research and found the books, but they aren't free. I don't know anything about those books, I just made some research to see if there were free PDF files online.

  2. Thank you. I appreciate it. I hope it is of benefit to others.

  3. Replies
    1. Click on the names. They are highlighted in light blue.

  4. Assalam o alaikum. For some reason I can download Islamic studies series 1-12 grades by dar us salam publications and written by moulvi abdul aziz

    1. Wa 'alaikum salaam warahmatullah wabarakatuh. Whatever is no longer clickable or has a missing file has probably been moved. Links sometimes change and I have no way of keeping track. Sorry about that. I hope you find other links useful however.
